Monday, March 16, 2015

                                                I don’t just rescue critters-
    Boy, nothing is ever boring! This actually happened a few summers ago, but I have not thought about it in a while. The other day Bob reminded me about and said- hey- that would make a good blog! So here it goes-
    I was working part time at the community college, so I had a few days off during the week. This beauty-

  would sometimes join me for lunch. We usually hit Atlanta Bread as it is one our most favorite places to dine. On this fateful day we were on our way home, probably giggling about something – or someone- and lo and behold- there was a freakin baby walking in the middle of the road!  We were in a neighborhood, but this street was still 4 lanes wide and pretty damn busy! The baby could not have been much more than 2. He had a diaper on and nothing else. I slowed the car down, Amber hopped out and grabbed him and I pulled the car over to the curb.

   I dialed 911 and spoke to the dispatcher, all the while waiting for a screaming lunatic mom to come running out looking for her baby. NEVER HAPPENED. The dispatcher then told me that if someone came up to take the baby (ex. the child's mother) I was not supposed to let her take the baby. Oh crap- exactly what was I supposed to do if someone came up to me? Hurry up, coppers- I don’t need to be on that television show COPS- again. Another concerned citizen pulled over behind me, and proceeded to drive around looking for someone that was frantically looking for a baby. NOTHING.  Amber kept the baby company- held him and sweetly talked to him in a soft voice. The baby was very calm and never cried.
  About 10 minutes later the cops showed up. (I was kind of surprised it took this long as we were about 2 blocks from the station, but what do I know). One nice policeman took my statement and Amber’s statement, and one of the other offices took the baby.
  Finally, after knocking on a few doors, the police found out which house the baby belonged in. The excuse was the baby must have gone out the back door and pushed the gate open. Now, let me tell you this WOODEN gate was at least 6 feet high.


  There is no way in hell that baby could have pushed that gate open. I don’t think Superman lived at that house and had a baby. The gate must have been propped open.

   The officers chatted with the gal for a bit, then came back over to us. They told us there would be a process and they would make sure this never happened to the baby again.
  Amber and I popped back into my car and off we went. I am happy to say that we have had many other lunches since then, but none quite as eventful as that day! I still drive by that intersection once in a while, and then think about that day. I saw quite a few cars in front of me that just drove by that baby, never stopping at all. I hope they just didn’t see him- which is scary as well.
  I am not trying to blow my own horn, as sometimes I admit I like to stick my head in the sand and not take care of things that need to be handled. I am just glad my instincts jumped in, saw a baby in need and didn’t even think about not stopping. Maybe I am not a total loser!!
Maybe there is hope for me yet!

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